Thursday, April 7, 2011

Gold Making Tips

okk so heres gonna be some tips to make gold on wow (world of warcraft) and if you follow these tips you should be making gold in no time.

1.first your gonna wanna make a bank alt.A bank alt is a lvl 1 character that stays in a main city (ex:Stormwind,Undercity,etc..)and when your playing on your main or any other toons when you pick up any green,blue,epic purple,cloths,ores,or herbs your gonna wanna send it straight to your bank alt. This will save you loads of time instead if wasting time running to a major city and listing all of these auctions.

2. Get 2 gathering professions (ex:mining,herbalism,skinning) when you get to lvl 5. Theseprofessions you can make lots and lots of gold with. First you gather the herbs the leather and the ores and smelt the ores if you have mining then send them to your bank alt to list the on the AH(auction house).The simple copper bars sell for 15 gold a stack on my server!! Thats just easy gold.

3.Go to and download the addon auctioneer. This is the best tool to make gold on wow.This addon scans the AH and list the prices of how much items go for. A more detailed video about this addon can be found by a wow video maker named Ryutarou 

4. Just lvl and have fun. when your lvling just follow these steps and im sure you will make gold in no time.

well tell me in the comments how much this has helped you make gold on world of warcraft.

Leveling Tips for a Priest

Heres some great leveling tips i picked up playing my shadow priest.

1.When your looking for gear always get spirit over anything else because when you spec shadow and you put your points in spirit tap you get more mana recovery with the more spirit you have.

2.Spec shadow because its the easiest spec to lvl, holy and discipline are very hard to solo lvl with.

3.Always have a great dps wand because when your out of mana and in combat its gonna come in handy.

4.When you ding 30 and if you have 10g, get the duel spec for heals so when you Que. up for randoms or any dungeons the wait time is very short.Trust me your gonna want these short que times XD.

5.Once you level past 40 your gonna wanna start looking for these attributes in gear:
- +spellpower/shadow damage
-hit rating
-crit chance
-stamina (only get enough that you need to survive)

well i hoped this has helped!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Leveling Tips for a Hunter

Heres some great leveling tips for hunters:

1.Ok first off go spec beast mastery if you havent already. In this spec you will level a whole lot faster than in survival and marksmanship.

2.For your gear attributes your gonna wanna stack as much agility as you can.Thats your primary attribute.Your gonna wanna stack stamina as well, and when you get to higher levels your gonna wanna start to get some crit bonuses and hit rating.

3.Always have the best ranged weapon at all times because your ranged weapon is what you do most of your damage with. For the weapon you use in your hands it doesnt really matter what it is just make sure it has good attributes (agility and stamina). Dont worry about spending money on gear because in the long run it gonna be worth it.

4.Always log out in a inn, this goes for all classes,the reason for that is you get rested exp which gives you a 200% increase in exp when killing mobs!

well i know there wasnt that many tips but thats because hunters are just sooo easy to level XD

Friday, April 1, 2011

World Of Warcraft Auction House-Gold Mine!

The World of Warcraft Auction House is probably the best way to make money or gold in World of Warcraft. From selling items you get while questing on your mighty adventures to buying low and selling high. The auction house is what you can call a Gold Mine! and its easier than ever to make money off of the auction house because of all these add-ons that scan the WHOLE auction house and will lists items for you! I mean how much easier can it get to make gold in World of Warcraft!

Cataclysm Raids?

Does Cataclysm dungeons stand up to those top mmo gamer standards? I for one think so, the raids couldn't have gotten any worse than the raids back in WOTLK. Those raids were just too easy and didn't have any challenges. Whats the fun in that?! The cataclysm Raids on the other hand are quite interesting and non the less extremely fun. These new raids seem very promising and are quite enjoyable. Put in the comments below how good you think Cataclysm raids are compared to previous World of Warcraft raids!